From a distant sun on the cosmic waves
we heard voices raised
unintelligible to human ears
a sound from the stars
from ancient spheres,
a species born of a planet far from here
speaking through the galactic mist
we listened but the language was just noise
through the static hiss of the universal void
Tripping through galactic meadows
sounds so sweet, like singing angels
but the words meant nothing to us
just garbled communication
from a planet of dust
couldn't comprehend a meaning
or discern a feeling
just sounds fleeting and flipping through
the background noise of the universal stew
From a distant star, a far flung galaxy
a world miraculously contacted us
connecting through the maelstrom of cosmic dust
debris of comet strikes
and nebulae of dazzling light
but we couldn't understand
were they trying to hold out a hand?
or were they baring arms?
did we need to sound alarms?
From a different world
someplace circling a different sun
the dawn chorus had begun,
a song of hope or of hurt
sounds of happiness or of hardship
as the spaceships flew
coming into view,
were they coming to destroy or serve?
would we hold our nerve?
or would we do what we always do?
shoot first ask questions later
if only we had a translator
Thanks For Reading,
Peace, Love and Poetry.