Tuesday 28 April 2020


The machine gears grind
mind on fire. Sparks scatter
clatter as thoughts race
brace for impact
actor or a robot
not a cloned part
art is my only outlet
forget to eat
beat myself with lack of sleep
reaper creeps in through the dark
parks himself in my favourite seat
feet up on a table. Says we need to speak

I have no time. I reply
lie? I have time to cry
why would he be sat here
fear? trickles like sweat on skin
grins bony and grim the room spins
swims around like an ocean. deep
sweeps me out into the cool night air
where is the path heading?
shedding tears as scared as I've ever been

'Old friend' His voice booms
blooming flowers hide from the doom filled sound
pounding thoughts race through my head
dead? dread is this the end or am I asleep in bed
unsaid words fill my ears
teary eyes red, said I am spared
cared for by hearts pure
assured of my life. he forewarned
storms are coming. But you will walk free
me I'll be lurking in the shadows

One more warning. Take it easy
seas are choppy so don’t capsize
prize the moments that you have
laugh, joke and smile give yourself a break
shake the feelings of not being enough
snuff out the worry that you don’t matter
scatter ashes of self-doubt
shout let your words spread out

Thanks For Reading.
Peace & Love.

Monday 27 April 2020


Feeling lost
did I leave my mind on the seat?
of a bus station in the distant summer heat
alongside a discarded heart
that no longer beats
the scent of a rose
that floated free

Dull the sounds out
they are shouting
I can’t stand the distant rumble
the voices in my head are never silent
make wobbly Legs crumble
I'm struggling. As the buses leave
I sit here on this cold lonely seat
thoughts just dead-end strands
I roll the dice see where my piece lands

 I need to break this cycle
this circle surrounding.
I feel like I'm drowning
the nagging doubts colliding
the icy cold hall
the chill winds touch
I need a hand, is that asking too much?
I'm falling
catch me please
my heart is stalling

Feel locked out of my mind
like my own thoughts are pointing
at my flaws, I bang on the doors to let me In
but then I also feel locked up
like I’m in a cell
chained, bound and gagged
it feels like hell
I try to break the walls, but I feel too weak
could someone help me please
I need to speak

Feel alone
In a sea of faces
yet mine Is blurred out
the edges faded
I'd try
but that makes my tears cry
so, I'll sit here waiting patient
on this seat at the station
with a blank look
just me, a battered heart
and my trusty notebook

Thanks For Reading.
Peace & Love

In the shadows

First came the dreams
slowly they crept
into the subconscious minds
as an evil wind swept
filling the night with screams

Gloomy air filled
with gases that caused ills
visions, fabrication
disturbing the minds
of a tired nation

The dreams were vivid, Bright at first,
giving hope but soon they turned
The demons infested
like swarm of bees unnested

Rage flowed the lands
from sands to sands
ends time strands
the night watchman stands
in the shadows
watching the city below

The wolf cries to the moon
his dreams Infected too
the howls could wake the dead
pain, fear and dread
the watchman bows his head
vows to fight
to save the wonder of the night

Tis time to rise
the sun has gone out
the fight of our lives
the watcher sighs
his words spoken with doubt

The city of dead-end lights
now a dull dark sight
filled with shadows and blight
the lands of green, the waters blue
turning to blood red. As the floods wash through
the watchman knows what he needs to do

Taking to the alleys and streets
he pounds the pavements as the moon weeps
sun sleeps
the day kept out of reach
as the beasts leap at his feet
ready to unleash
a fierce attack
the wolf watches from his place - away from the pack

The Watchman dodges, dives and diverts
against fear, misery and hurt
left to stain the land of dirt
he struggles and strains
as the knockbacks rain
fights alone
to bring peace to those in pain

The fight never ends, this battle can’t be won
but the tide can turn, bring back the sun
no one can know of the watchman’s test
the struggles he must face to give us some rest
in the dead of night - he stopped the nightmares that infest
people wake refreshed
his quest for the night a success
and so, he sleeps.
until the night terrors return
his work complete

Thanks For Reading.
Peace & Love.

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