Monday 28 February 2022

Lonely Old Shack


The lonely old shack,

almost hidden from view.

Shrubs and trees obscuring the sight,

pathway overgrown with weeds

where flowers once grew.

In one window candlelight

flickers low, barely visible.

The lone resident sits and scribbles

his final message.


Under the floorboards the smell of decay.

The rotting corpses won't let him forget.

They bang and scratch every hour of the day

and in the night, 

they pull his strings like a marionette.

Making him sweat, running from room to room,

making him feel the very same doom

that they felt when he led them to the tomb.


In the walls the screeching starts,

it pierces ears and could stop hearts.

Invisible eyes watch every step he takes.

Never let him forget their fates.

The thud of a heartbeat...




Sounds like the hammering of a nail into a coffin,

but they had no coffin lids to hide them.

Just dirt over dead eyes.


The lonely old shack,

so many horrors it's seen.

The candle flickers out

As the lone living resident gasps out

his final death scream.





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Please follow the link for my books, videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 



Sunday 27 February 2022

Don Beukes Reads...

Take a listen to this podcast to hear me read five of my pieces, 

and the host Don Beukes read three.

Saturday 26 February 2022

bullets and bombs


Bullets and bombs,

the march goes on,

through towns and cities,

a rhythmic thrum..

Drumming in time,

like a machine gun.


Blood spills, innocent lost.

Air raid sirens against the morning frost.

The mourning counting the cost.

Bullets and bombs,

always seems the way,

bullies in arms.


Guns drawn,

flags torn

bodies litter the floor.

Blood soaks pavements.

Can we end this call for war?

Bullets and bombs

will never win

always have to end up talking.


Buildings crashing,

no doves being released.

Missiles smashing,

where are the calls for peace?

Anger rising,

no talking,

just hatred in its most hurtful guise.

No compromising,

just bombs dropping from the skies.

No white flags waving,

only bullets blazing.




Thanks for reading

Please follow the link for my books, videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 

Thursday 24 February 2022

To whom it may concern


To whom it may concern,

I would like to make a complaint.

I seem to be on the wrong side of purgatory,

I have arrived, at what can only be described as the burning pits of hell.

Now don't get me wrong, I know I've not been a Saint.

I haven't always done what was prescribed

or treated everyone well.


Now I admit, that over the course of it,

my life that is,

I may have at times been a shit.

But I have also tried hard to give my best.

all of my heart. I attest.

So, it pains me to say that I was not expecting to see

the burning, blood-red land that sits in front of me.


If you could please

kindly take a look at my case,

I feel I'm in the wrong place.

I was expecting choirs that sing,

harps that play, angels on clouds, 

that sort of thing.

Not smashing rocks all day.

Maybe I ticked the wrong box

or ticked the wrong person off.

But I only tried to do good

so, this has soured my mood.

Being prodded with fire feels a little rude.


Please reply as soon as possible,

the locals are getting hostile

and I don't think I can withstand

another night

underneath this blood red sky.

I have not slept a wink,

the screaming is incessant

and I really do think

the heat is rather unpleasant.




Thanks for reading

Please follow the link for my books, videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 


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