Wednesday 31 May 2023



Your kiss tastes


like diamonds,


nut set to impress.

Your heart in a state of undress

takes my hand,

and I'm led to a glass palace,

golden liquid sun

shines through the skylight.


Your kiss tastes

like the real thing,

not plastic imitation.

The roses sown

have natural perfume.

The air blooms

with their red glow

and into worship

I am thrown.

Your kiss tastes expensive.

One touch leaves me indebted,

more than I can ever afford,

more than money, no cashback reward.

All of my hopes and dreams poured



Your lips feel like velvet,

skin mulberry silk.

The way the light dances

across the surface,

like thick heavy milk,

It slides light fingers

through your hair,

Teasing around the necklace,

made of the finest pearls

you could wear.


Your kiss tastes expensive,

like the finest champagne

but one kiss would send me

plummeting down to earth again.

One touch of that liquor upon my lips,

even the merest little sip,

would send me to the pits of despair.

Your kiss, it is poison to me, I'd be left

completely broken, dead and beyond repair.



Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelliung

Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.

Please follow the link for my books, videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Out of sight, out of mind.


The dead stay silent.

It’s supposed to be

the one great constant.

Death comes for all,

rich or poor,

but sometimes the dead

don't get the memo.

The script - they sometimes

forget to follow

and through those lonesome hours

their screams loudly



Out of sight, out of mind.

Words that are not true

with the ghostly footsteps

that creep through

the darkness behind.

Out of sight, out of mind,

not so true when the sound

of chattering is all that sings

through the night.

Out of sight, out of mind,

not when the night-time

feels so hollow,

not when the sound

of shallow breathing

does follow.


The dead

shouldn't be seen or heard.

They shouldn't walk the earth,

or so we are led to believe,

but sometimes the soul

doesn't want to leave.

It festers in the world

just beneath ours,

caught in the dimensional scars.

of this ripped, torn universe

of shattered hearts.

It lingers

in the corners of eyes,

Where shadows slip by.

Most of the time

you don't notice

the visage floating there,

but other nights

are a waking nightmare.



Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelliung

Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.

Please follow the link for my books, videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 

Monday 29 May 2023

Written in the stars


It was written in the stars.

A message just for us,

the populous,

but the language was unknown.

The message lost on deaf ears.

If only we had a translator,

life could have been so much better.

It was written,

in the hieroglyphics of space.

Across the constellations we gazed,

but missed the message

staring us in the face.

A message to the human race.

It said we come in peace.

We mean no harm,

please don't be alarmed,

turn off your arms.


But alas we had no way

to understand the contact.

So, when the ships arrived,

our leaders turned to the military for advice,

Outsiders must be treated as a threat,

this is the belief system of those in debt

to arms dealers and warmongers.

So, when the ships flew alongside us,

we saw them flying against.

Trigger fingers were tensed.


The first barrage lasted for days,

then the second and third.

The sky blazed

orange like the burning sun.

Then as quickly as it started,

the barrage ended.

The sound of silence hung.


As did the ships,

they were barely bruised,

barely scuffed,

certainly not blown to bits.

Our leaders dug down

into their underground pits.

Leaving us above, to live on our wits.

Which suited the visitors just fine.

They sealed

the underground escape lines.

like tombs,

laser beams

tearing the ground in two.


They showed us true beauty.

In the stars. They painted images

brightly lit upon the sky.

They showed us the wonders of life.

We learned to look

at our neighbours as friends.

Outsiders, we took them in, we fed,

we lived

we let fear take a backwards tread

The ships observed the earth,

seeing that life was being understood,

that we only need to feel the love

and they flew away into the sky.

Leaving us to enjoy

the fine sunshine.


Thanks for reading

Endless Nightmares out now

300 pages of horror themed poetic storytelliung

Please take a look at my previous collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.

Please follow the link for my books, videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 


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