Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Breath on the mirror


Breath on the mirror

like mist on a stormy river.

Dreams drifting into cloudy wisps,

those thoughts lost on silent lips.

Harsh words merely hinder

like trying to catch water

as it flows through your fingers.


Raindrops down a windowpane,

like shooting stars burning out again.

No wish could reach them

before they burst,

like bubbles

across a still universe.


Breath on a mirror,

words awoken

then smeared with a finger.

They fade, never linger

like the beat of a butterfly’s wing.

A song started

but too painful to sing.


Breath on a mirror,

a sign of life,

that becomes unclearer,

misted over

a mind besieged,

unhinged and self-deceived.

Trying to remember

the wisdom once received.





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Peace, Love and Poetry 

Monday, 28 November 2022

Visions of phantasia


Visions of skylines

and green crystal seas,

like vast forests of pine,

eyes that open just for me.

The seductive nature of running free,

just a step out of time,

out of sync with reality,

Feels like flying.

Open my eyes.

I want to see.


Visions of sunsets,

tantalising tangerine dreams.

Those majestic skies,

peaceful and serene.

Let my mind take flight,

over slate grey steeples,

twilight delights,

away from the masses of people.

Towards mystic fantasies,

phantasia by the sea.

I imagine mystery.

I only want to be free.


Visions of windswept dunes,

for just a second

the sands look just like you.

Water ripples over the sand

like hands teasing delicate skin.

Caressing uncared for lands,

as the sun slides into the dark reaches

of the water beside these calming beaches.

I want to walk through

those sandstorm kisses

before the wind blows them away

and they become

Just one of many near misses.


Visions of dancing trees

resemble the way

your dress sways

when you move across the floor.

I want to let my world

open up to more.

I want my mind

to unlock its door

and let me explore.


Visions of north, south, west or east,

wherever these beastly wings may please.

I want to see visions of skylines

etched onto my eyes.

The twinkle of lights

spelling out exciting lives.

I want the roads,

I want the skies.

I'll take the lows

along with the highs.




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Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Sky cries oceans


The dreary grey of this autumn day

gives way to the murky moonless night.

Only streetlights 

and the rare house light 

illuminate the streets tonight.

It's way past midnight

and most have retired for the eve.

Taking to their dreams,

only us night owls do they leave.


Listening to the soft trickle,

the delicate tickle of rain

as it hits the window frame,

like the sound of stars

twinkling in the sky.

Hitching a ride on the tracks

of a long-forgotten drop.

It rolls down the windowpane

before launching itself off

into the air.

Hitting the ground

with a barely audible splosh.


And then

the heavens open

and the sky cries oceans.

The tears of millions

all fall at once.

The streets below overflow.

Rivers gushing.

Waters rushing.

Trying to find somewhere to go.


Zombie leaves move once more

animated by the torrential downpour.

Travelling down the gutter lane,

they only stop at the gurgling drains.

The sounds surround in these silent hours

echoing nature and her mystic powers.





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Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 

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