Monday 1 July 2024

Through the station at night

Silent cry

echoes through

the station at night.

The wind howls

in mournful agony

under florescent

sky light.


You hear it


In your bones.

It lines the ligaments,

with staccato groans.

Vibrates a tone, failing

like a disconnected


In your joints a discordant 

flailing moan,

as tension tugs from hell.

You are slowly pulled down.


The universal

flatline sound. Then soundless

agony, as wrenched hearts

are retched up.

Inaudible screams

hiding behind Starbucks paper cups.

Staring red eyed

at departure screens,

just awaiting

that brief glimpse at escape

to blink across like a movie scene.


A flash of life

flickers like day light

over dead eyes.


by a glance of possibility.

A chance. Low probability,

of a fleeting moment of joy.

As the dull air toys

with your

ever dwindling sanity.


Silent sighs

solemnly sweeps,

sowing slow soft


to that long

sought sleep.



scribbled in

stained glass graffiti.

Sharpies slipped away,

as the security guards pace.

Marking this moment of time,

in this slow-motion place.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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