Friday 5 July 2024

off kilter


It all feels a bit off kilter

like we're seeing

what they want us to see,

like a builder

adding walls

to obscure the view.

we sit. Just detainees, 

watching the news 

repeatedly spilling ever colder lies 

like an Ikea fountain of youth 

that only makes you older.

Controlling a narrative

by blurring lines of the truth, 

then they march us to the polling booth, 

to pick from two sides 

of the same worn old crooked coin.


The view

not such a spherical state,

it's taken on a 2d paper plane,

flying on the airwaves.

so now everything

is devoid of mass and weight.

Being driven insane

by this constant wind of hate.

We feed it, bait it, berate

when it turns up late.

Hatred at a difference,

that is only skin deep.


It just feels off kilter.

like it's been put through

a Snapchat filter.

Everything is distorted

to a reshaped mesh, 

Aldi middle aisle mess

of bits and pieces, lies and distress.

Contorting our edges

until there is nothing of us left.

All that remains are those ripples of hatred,

spreading like red ink blots

across headline paper cuts

twisting the minds

of those who

are already looking

from the bottom up.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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