Tuesday 2 July 2024

In hiding


I don't have long...

The ones that track my footsteps

have discovered my secret.

They are trying to locate me...

I've tried to avoid bright light,

the glare makes it harder to blend,

harder to disappear.

I've tried to disguise my scent,

hide my fear.

They can smell it through their extra noses,

Hear a raised heartbeat with batlike ears.

I vacate any places

I may have been seen,

but those beings that descend

from the glossy sheen, that infernal machine.

The castle of unearthly metal in the sky

They have me in their sights.


I don't have long...

I did something wrong,

I made myself known.

I emerged from the deepest shadows

for just a second, like a sea creature

surfacing to pique his interests,

the sky from the deep dark depths.

It was only a second,

just a glance into the unknown.

but a second was too long.

I only had to know that she was safe.

A grave mistake. One I'd come to regret.

When I replay my life and witness my fate.


Now, I've not got long for this realm,

not whilst these beings are at the helm.

Not long to walk this earth,

unless there is a slim chance of rebirth.

A second roll of the dice of life.

In some far-off future

past-life hypnosis regression session.

Will they stumble across this section?

Will they heed any lessons?


Will I see her again

in momentary rejuvenation?

Or some possible reincarnation?

If that exists. I may begin to pray

to some ancient deities.

Or will she be twisting

in dance embracing the feel of

someone else's heartbeat

pounding through her chest.

Whilst my life feels damned,

hanging by some cosmic balance.


Don't have long, but my mind still yearns.

keeps searching for her, still passion burns.

I don't fear my fate, for me it's already too late.

Not these beings I fear

hearing their squelching footsteps,

A trio of slaps over solid concrete.

growling louder than bombs

a wind howling through mountain passes.

Our leaders knew.

They agreed to use us as bargaining chips,

then lied through their asses.

Sending us off to their metallic ships,

whilst they lived on the spoils.

The blood of the masses.

Until the beings devoured almost all of us.

Then our leaders were herded

to become the main course.

All I ask of anyone that survives,

Find the woman of the light,

tell her I love her

as sure as day follows night.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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