Saturday, 1 September 2018

Worst fears

What are your worst fears?

is it the ghosts of the past you dread
or the thoughts floating in your head
is it the cold loneliness that consumes
or the sounds of the grey, dark room

What are your worst fears?

is it tomorrow or the years long dead
or always today and its never ending thread
is it the thought of not belonging
or that you fit too well, that causes longing

What are your worst fears?

is it the world outside, so scary a place
or is it inside that you really cant face
is it the people who bring the greatest fear
or the lack of people who hold you dear

What are your worst fears?

is it the constant flowing of time ebbing forwards
or the dam in the river, making you look backwards
is it always being in last place that drags you down
or is it the hope for more that makes you feel drowned

What are your worst fears?

is it the pains you endured
or the chance of more
is it the cuts that bled
or the ones that stayed inside the head

Thanks for reading.
Peace & Love.

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