Friday, 6 December 2024

A tear after midnight


The saddened, miserable light

barely seems to fit the blustery sky

on this dreary tumultuous night.

It doesn't expand to enlighten the land,

it barely even reaches the edges,

not pliable enough

or elastic enough to stretch it

from its little place amongst the stars

invisible in space.


It just sits covered in fog,

delighting nothing.

The ground chills,

glistening streets

share their crystal glitz,

but up beyond the foggy air,

the deep grey cloud awning,

the moon 

tiredly yawning, bored of the view.

It wants to see me and you,

the human race and the animals too.

It's grown accustomed

to us being the first view

it's glowing eyes taste.


But tonight

the lonely satellite hides from sight.

No spectral moonlight just the deep dark

deadness of a tear after midnight.

Our only respite...

The glare of streetlights...

Oh, the council

have switched them off.

Who needs to see

during the close of night?


The moon sits wallowing,

down in the pits.

Tears start to drip one after another.

Drip. Drip. Drip...

The clouds bathe in the salty fluid

filtering it through,

distilling all the goodness within.


And then the deluge begins...

Fog quickly clearing

like a crowd caught in a storm.

The clouds move on,

saturating all of the land,

singing their melodic song.

The light touches the ground,

A big, wide smile beams down

as the moon joins with the clouds

echoing their choral sounds.


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Peace, Love & Poetry

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