Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Instruction book


There is no instruction book.

One minute you are Mr ordinary,

ambling through your day without a care,

the next minute your whole world is shook

and you have a newly acquired thirst for blood.

No-one gives advice,

there isn't a phone line one can call,

or if there is it's only available in office hours,

when my beauty sleep falls.


It's hard being a vampire,

especially when learning the ropes.

How are you supposed to cope?

With the pain of fangs ripping gums,

without a dental plan or medication,

and these things take a long time to learn.

First few times I bit my tongue,

you don't instantly know

how to make them grow,

It's an instinct

but it takes time to show.


You see there isn't a self-help guide

on dealing with your blood sucking side.

It's all trial and error.

I was walking the other night

and I stumbled on a cracked paving slab.

(Remind me to write a letter to the council please)

Before I knew it I was falling to my knees.

I put my arms out to catch me,

only not arms do I see.

but wings.

I'd become a bat

of all bloody things.

Now this is not a complaint,

I just wish I'd known in advance,

I'd spent a lot of money on taxis,

when I could have just flown the distance.


You see, there isn't an instruction book

or a YouTube guide, no website to scroll

or a man I can hire.

So now I'm stuck in this form,

just flapping my wings

because I have no idea

how to reverse things.

No one told me,

how to become a bat, 

it just happened by chance

and now 

I can't seem to turn back.




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Please take a look at my new collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.


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Peace, Love and Poetry 

Is there anyone out there?


Is there anyone out there?

There was a loud crash,

I blacked out

awakening here.

The world seems deserted.

Empty desolate streets.

Just rising smoke in the distance,

burnt down trees.

Is there anyone out there?

Where are you?

I'm alone and it's so quiet,


Can you answer please?

The animals seem at ease.

They have started to venture

into the former city streets,

but it's been weeks

and not another human have I seen.

It’s like a bad fever dream.

but no amount of pinching myself

Is waking me up.


Is there anyone out there?

My voice is growing hoarse

from screaming into empty space,

hearing only my echoed yells

return in its place.

Is this Hell?

This empty island

on which I now dwell.

Or maybe Heaven,

no tension from the heaving people

shoving and deceiving,

just me and the animals.

but if this is Eden then where is my Eve?

I scream again into the void 

once more  before I leave.


Is there anyone out there?

It's been months.

Not a single soul has appeared.

My underemployed voice

has all but gone,

but I'm seeing where 

humanity got it all wrong.

The beauty sits in nature,

as the animals run free,

no human monsters

causing them to flee,

they don't need to hide, 

just enjoy their lives.

In the distance I spy a single flame.

A campfire just on the edge of town,

beckoning me over,

her smile melts my hearts icy frame,

maybe I'm not as alone as I thought.




Thanks for reading

Please take a look at my new collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.


Please follow the link for my books, videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 

Stole the sun


She stole the warm air,

left cold dead and bare,

alone in a ditch somewhere.

She stole the sun,

from the sky,

led the clouds to my side

and ordered them to surround,

choking noxious fumes,

my lungs bursting apart at the seams

head starts to pound.


She stole the peace.

Penetrated my heart

with blade of steel,

then wouldn't cease.

Just an icy hole

where it once belonged.

Puncture wounds

deep and long.

The beat once echoed loud,

now only silence.

growing colder,

in the field she ploughed

over this blue skin.


She stole the sun,

Took every ounce 

of my happiness.

Every river that runs, 

every fleeting chance of bliss.

Now just me and the moon,

but to be honest,

I've always been more in tune

with the silver sphere sitting there.

It's looked deep into my eyes,

and never judged, nor accused,

never abused or told mistruths.

It has heard my tears and every cry,

it's never burnt me,

the loving moon in the thunderous sky.




Thanks for reading

Please take a look at my new collection "Torn Pages"

100+ all new poems not shared here before.


Please follow the link for my books, videos and social media.
Every click, every book purchase, every like helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love and Poetry 

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