Saturday 14 September 2024

A story of a ghost.


This is a story of a ghost.

A tale of a soul cast from his earthly host.

Walking skinless. Alone.

Emptily searching within his unearthly abode.

A parallel universe, where any sins he will atone.

Here, no stones are cast, space twinkles bright

and the stars are black pinprick holes

of pure midnight in a sky so vast.


He roams, between realms,

sometimes haunting homes,

other times he wanders the hills where he fell.

His story, you see, was that one night

he heard a sound in the deepening quiet of a solitary flight.

Like the echo of footsteps,

hooves against the ground,

"I'm not staying around", to himself he said.

So, in fear he fled.

Fight or flight, only flight could win.


Into the nasty overgrowing branches

of the darkest night he took flight.

Brambles and bushes scratching his tangled feet, 

like hands grabbing from deep underground.

From some dreaded lair beneath.

Still the noise echoed loud.

Though the sound of his panting,

was clouding the air he breathes.

Footsteps thudding. Too close, too proud,

and was that laughter

on the sharpened edge of the breeze?

or just the wind blowing a fearful growl?


A noise, he thought. 

This one closer than before.

A step behind, 

just to the right. Now to the left, 

circling the dark unkind void, 

where his thoughts loiter, 

sinister and unwelcome.

He leapt forward at pace.

Whatever was chasing he didn't want to face,

the fear was something he couldn't embrace.

That sound so close, footsteps gaining.

Running a race, against the darkness giving chase.

But this night it had been raining

and he saw the ledge just a step too late.

His feet slid. sealing his fate.

Hammering home the coffin lid


This is the story of a ghost,

now to endlessly trudge,

Where life flows 

like blown leaves of autumn.

No one ever really notices him.

Just a feint shadow,

and the sound of footsteps growing near.

But when you turn to look

there is no one there.



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"Tales from the 44A" and "Stations
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Peace, Love & Poetry

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