Sunday 22 September 2024



In that laboratory cell. Biohazard prison.

They shaped their visions.

Modern day Frankenstein’s

creating invisible villains.

They could sweep across lands,

just a cough and a sneeze,

Would carry them into the breeze.

An unwashed shake of hands,

Could bring a continent to its knees.


In Shadows they worked

Hazmat suited like future police

From some 60s science fiction piece.

Taking strains of death and blending them

Morphing into a whole new race.

Frankenstein would be proud.

Creating a monster. To devour.

Not to aid but to overpower.


A plane payload of poisoned people,

would quickly betray how weak and feeble

our society is, when all is laid bare,

recycled air, would propagate,

within the atoms of that atmosphere,

quicker that the newspapers could circulate,

before even 24-hour news has caught a sniffle.

Thriving monsters would live amongst the people.


Alarms. A mishap

perhaps a lapse of judgement.

Gaps in security

A disgruntled employee,

or some poor youthful trainee.


Red lights blaring. Screaming air.

As their eyes begin to bleed.

melting faces.

Death tastes of rot and disease.

The beast is free.


A gas, a toxin,

bacterial strain

to wipe out everything.

Scentless intense

senseless immense

A black death beater, plague eater,

This disease was leaner. Neater.

And we were leaning on

more unclean as the councils

cut our services.

A perfect rearing ground,

Feeding the stew,

a bubbling cauldron.


the end days

for me and you.



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it would really help me
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Peace, Love & Poetry

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