Monday 9 September 2024

December 2017


I watch days

turn to years.

Silent resentment

in a weary sigh,

at the way

the waving clock hands

seem to move

more than I.

Watching paint dry

would have been more

enticing than this

so called silver lining.

Surviving for what?

A life lived

in fear of leaving.

A life lived in fear of living.


At each click

of the digital clock,

I seethe inside. A monologue,

pointing out where

I’m going wrong in life.

Tick tock,

replies the analogue

mocking face on the wall.

As if I don't already see the irony,

of wanting to feel a part of life,

but being too scared

to accept my own place in it all.

I've already sat spending

years watching,

in slow motion,

my own existence

go nowhere fast.

Whilst everyone else

moved in real time 

leaving me languishing

in the past.


Watching myself

fade into the mirror,

my own slow suicide.

Becoming greyer by the day,

Before I know it,

I'll just be

a mass of grey hair

and saggy eye bags.

I witness age wear my face

as it walks into the day,

leaving my skeleton behind,

raging at the way

I can't get my mind to engage.

Escape would be so easy

if it wasn't behind a doorway.


In a fit of anger

I take out my pen.

So, I'm supposed

to be a writer, I say.

Thats what I've always

claimed to be.

Time to let those

words become true.

If I can understand me,

maybe I'll understand

the world I view,

and maybe then I'll be able

to share some of this

story with you.



Thanks for reading
Follow this link for more.
You can find my New books
"Tales from the 44A" and "Stations
and here
Please buy a copy if you can
it would really help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry

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