Saturday 5 October 2024

18 hours in A&E


18 hour waiting times.

Zombies spraying

hateful bile, over the rank

crowded illness

fermentation tank.

"I blame those

from outside this square mile",

they splurge.

Through alcohol fuelled

spew inducing rage

they preach,

"It's the foreigners".

Increasingly ignorant

of the white faces swelling

up with cuts and bruises.

Another night of broken fists

and bloodied boozers

Police officers chained

to criminal clientele.

"But it's the foreigners" they yell.

Repeating the call throughout nightfall.

Wetherspoons NHS after party.


"But it's the foreigners",

they say.

Wobbling feet sway,

as they pound around waiting,

missing their name when called.

Too plastered to hear

through their own noise.

This wetherspoons tribe

letting anyone with ears

listen to their vomit and diarrhoea

swilled diatribe,

Filled with curses and swears,

everything is shifted blame.

"Those ne'er do wells have

caused this waiting game."

They frame their arguments

with pounding fists,

as they continue

to stagger, spew and swear.

"Not my fault officer I swear"


"Stop the boats" I hear,

in between background cries,

Fix the system. It is broken

they wail.

Well, let me give you a surprise

in the form of a rhymed tale.

You all voted for this.

Brexit Britain IS falling to bits.

Because of the leaders

and all of you hypocrites.

Who don't want

foreigners on our shores.

Who would love to

see our services pawned.

Those same people you blame

keep our boat afloat.

Throw them to the waves

and you too will capsize.

I'd say look with your own eyes,

but they seem so clouded

with hate and bad tides.



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Peace, Love & Poetry


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