Tuesday 1 October 2024

Become the waters


I dreamt a dream,

I slept on moonbeams,

sleeping soundly

for the first time

in forever.

You came to me,

and I handed myself

to you on a plate,

said, “Take whatever you need”

My voice, my words,

all that I am.

I granted it freely.

Use it wisely.


I want you to sail

over my endless seas,

I've become the waters,

one with this

seascape memory.

I want you to find

all of the treasure

I've buried for you,

every glisten of gold

the secrets untold

in the ancient texts I hold.


In dreams,

words were imparted

like the parting seas,

showing us new pathways

through our mysteries.

Whole landscapes shifted,

our vision skewed, splintered

into fragments anew.

We could see the truth.

Hear it on the wind,

the words that sang

of love, the gift that never ends.


They showed us forever,

and all that's ever been,

as we floated like feathers

through this formerly

underwater scene.

Across shipwrecks

lost to times discarded logbooks.

We chanced to look, and the scene

was divine, a colossal ravine

with colours dancing  

across our eyes.

Yours and mine,

to the hidden song of time.


Let’s stay

and see the sights

these fluid eyes see. I say aloud.

The magic that floats like a cloud

beneath the rippling surface.

Set it all free and reinvent

every twirling vortex of this

broken history,

to mould into our own

miraculous story.

But then I realise,

we can visit these places

anytime we close our eyes,

and the true magic lives

in the embrace of you and I




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Peace, Love & Poetry

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