Friday 2 December 2022



An eerie still silences swallows the night,

mist descends devouring the light.

Cold chill, no animal squeaks,

no breeze to lick these icicle tears

from frozen cheeks.

Just deathly silence,

like I'm on a lake, miles from society

just me and the vastness of eternity.


It's quiet. Too quiet.

Goosebumps whisper their alarm.

as they prickle up, all over my arm.

The hairs on my neck sense fear,

stiffen and play dead.

No sound. No wind growls around.

No howls, just dense thick air.

I swear, the world drops away

just feet from here.


I want to walk

but cemented feet

feel like they are set for life,

like they know

that something is just out of view.

Captive eyes can't shift their gaze,

Captivated by the misty haze.

I am stuck firmly in place.

As the cold bites,

eating at my face.


Silence in the dead of night,

tonight, even the dead don't rise.

Reticent to appear,

even the ghosts

are hiding away in fear.

But something lurks in the corner of my eye,

a shape in the mist floats by.

Not tonight to myself I say,

as I turn and walk the other way.




Thanks for reading

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Peace, Love and Poetry 


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