Thursday, 23 January 2025

Sitting in starshine flowerbeds


I hold a bag

of faded dreams

for when the days

are dark

and I ache to scream.

I scatter them

to the clouds,

watch as they part,

glittering sky left behind,

ripped and crumpled,

like a failed rhyme

written at the wrong time.



of sleep deprived


I pluck a spark

of insight

and grip on so tight.

Ride the tails

as we sail

through the cosmos,

faster than

the speed of light.


A dull glowing

in the palm

of my hand.

A still thought

firmly planted

in the field of my mind.

Just needs watering

to start growing,

and from that speck of dust,

born of a time and space

light years away from us,

will start blooming into a fantasy.

A miracle entrenched in my head.

A picture of forever, traced

into the parchment of reality.

A flowerbed will one day sit

where this seed once bled

and that flowerbed will hold within

so many stories, yet to be read.


And in the faded


of a lilting memory

I'll ride that starlight again,

grasping hold

as it pulls me

across the vastness

of infinity.

I'll see those

flowers blooming

and I'll listen

to their

endless stories,

as they whisper the answers

to the universe's

greatest mysteries.



Thanks for reading
Follow this link for more.

My latest book, "Journey"
the third part of my "Travels with pen trilogy"
is now available, with all of my other books, 
at Amazon
Please buy a copy if you can
it would really help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry

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