Saturday, 25 January 2025

The fog


Atmospheric sound

suddenly cuts out,

like the electrical supply

of the universe

has been severed.

We stand

grabbing the frayed

tethered wiring,

feeling the emotional static

frying our minds.

Blinded by this abnormal fog

that clings almost solid to your skin.

It messes with your perception,

your whole way of thinking.


I was saying something,

I know not what.

I'm caught in a

disturbing time loop

of messy thought.

The fog surrounds

like I've never known,

I want to be at home,

but I'm somewhere,

nowhere, everywhere.

Where is here?

I can feel my body,

but all I see is

dense fog filling the air


I'm in a field

I've been here before,

many times, I'm sure.

My mind keeps opening a door

and wandering off.

I'm wondering where

I caught this chill and gritty cough.

When did I arrive here? Where is here?

The fog looms

learing over the scene

I'm disassociated like a bad dream.

Floating five feet behind,

watching myself

replay the same moment,

time after time.


I had something on my mind.

Rewind, when did I get here?

Why am I out in this cold?

Why have goosebumps started to appear?

Is it the chill or the looming fear I hold?

The fog, like a misty memory

urging me to replay

feelings I've seemingly mislaid.

Trying to make me to feel afraid,

by misplacing pieces of my story.


The fog drops down,

vaporous blanket over me now.

It messes with your perception,

your whole way of thinking.

I have that sinking feeling

like I've been here before,




Where is here?

I'm not too sure.

The fog masks reality

making everything unclear.



Thanks for reading
Follow this link for more.

My latest book, "Journey"
the third part of my "Travels with pen trilogy"
is now available, with all of my other books, 
at Amazon
Please buy a copy if you can
it would really help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry

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