Thursday 29 February 2024

The majestic night


You are

the full moon 


under my 

sprinkled stars.

You fill the sky

with love,

kiss the ground

with lips

of illuminating light

Stirring the darkness

into a swirling

whirlpool, the majestic night.


You are the forest 

into which

I escape,

to unwind.

You are destiny

to my scribbled clumsy lines.

You are the beat of the clock,

as it ticks and tocks.

I am the alarm

that wakes with a shock.

Entwined within

the threads of time.

You open all the doorways

in my mind, pull up the blinds

to let in your warming sunshine,

and unleash a wind, ferocious yet kind

to unclutter the thoughts

that have become covered in grime.


You are the still ocean,

under my stormy sky,

not letting the blustery weather

cause a ripple,

nor blemish your pristine shine.

You are the sand dunes,

mountains of dust so fine,

Golden, heavenly, divine.

You are the rivers

to my crumbling banks.

You course through my life,

I stand entranced.

falling apart as you advance.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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