Monday 5 August 2024

Burnt books


Decades lost in the smoke.

A single stroke of a solitary match.

Didn't take long

for the first flames to catch.

Erasing decades

of hope with a single strike.

Hatred kindled

in the glare of a liars smile.

Angers flare.

Just a small blaze

but it tore right through

years of history,

leaves of tears being burnt into dust.

Pages scorched,

torching many shared stories,

sowing more seeds of distrust.

Ashes in the breeze.


Flames flickered, stripping away

the paintwork of better day,

bubbling the surface.

No purpose. No answers.

Just misguided anger.

Falsehoods sold as

brain dead truth.

Too expensive to ignore,

but brain dread fears

what is right in front of you.

We are all the same.



Flames crept up walls

built of paper bricks.

Licked at the words inside

then spat them out

Cheap  coked up lager lout,

falling for division.

A diversion from

where true blame falls.

Parliamentary halls and your own 

hate-filled views

mirrored back upon you.


Those books

never hurt anyone.

Only there to teach.

You could take a leaf,

learn from the past.

From your four walls, learn to love at last.

Those paper bricks,

your one chance to learn from this,

bricks can build a solid base,

instead of being thrown in somebody's face.

Brain dead thoughts cloud so quick.

Hatred only leaves thought long dead.


They burnt down a library,

It truly makes me sick.

Learn to love, we are all the same.

They burnt down a library.

Not a brain cell to share,

no prison cells will sit spare,

as the ashes dust the air.

Whatever happened to love and care?




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"Tales from the 44A"

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continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry


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