Tuesday 6 August 2024

Whirlpool of love


Love is stranger

than any other emotion,

it surges like an ocean

from seemingly nowhere.

A sea mist then maybe?

It seeps in silently,

whispering sweet nothings

into the wind,

climbing into your ears

like a siren

sat atop the wrecks

of crashed relationships.

Countless years it sits,

Twirling the waters, creating a vortex.

A whirlpool to send you

sinking to the depths,

so, you can

swim deep in the feelings.

Sharing deep lung filling breaths.


Love is strange,

it Inspires lust

like blood crazed vampires

on the prowl for succulent necks,

you can't help

but drink the complex

mix of emotions.

It merges fantasy and reality,

until a whole world

even more magical emerges.

You howl to the moon,

two lone wolves

Becoming a pack of one.

Forging a pact, in barks.

To never let this love

disappear into the dark.


Love is strange.

The way it flips your brain,

like a hallway of mirrors.

Delivering views

confusing and beautiful,

swirling them into

just one solid picture of you.

And when darkness

has seeped into me

I've howled through

forests of concrete,

beside rivers of rainwater.

Soaked in every drop

of your loves rain.

Heard the moon sing

her song only for us.

Never hearing the

creaking sound of pain.


Love is strange,

it takes the words in my brain

and rearranges them into verse.

I promise to never let

the feelings stray or get lost

in this vast universe.

I won't let the emotions

roam alone,

begging for someone

to hold them through the day.

Begging for a heart to call home.

Not when

beside me you instil hope

with every howl

sung back at the moon.




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"Tales from the 44A"

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continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry


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