Friday 2 August 2024

The raven blackness of night.


I heard a tapping,

rapping at my door,

so, I ventured forth.


Not a squeak.

No beak, no footprints

in the wet soil.

Just the raven blackness of night.

So why did I feel such fright?


No calls

of nevermore.

No sound at all.

Just my heartbeat

echoing in the bleak

velvet gloom,


the sky

without a moon.


I'd remember this feeling

as it clung tightly to my bones.

There was no one here,

but I felt a presence in my home.


I heard a crashing,

smashing a ferocious din.

Fear prickled

trying to climb out

from underneath my skin.

But I ventured forth.

looked around my room,

the hallway and kitchen floor.

Nothing out of place,

Just the raven blackness of night.

A sound nothing more,

so why couldn't I shake the thought?

It would haunt me evermore.


I returned to my book,

by candle lights eerie glow.

The collected works of Poe,

and I thought, I'm scaring myself so,

but this tell-tale heart

kept beating in fear,

As the pendulum swung

over the empty pit

between my ears.

It's just a trick of the mind

I struggled to cry,

so why then is the raven blackness of night

looming over me with a vicious glint in its eye?

Standing in my room

Staring into me. Coming closer

enshrouding me.

Everything fell dark.

And my screams

will be heard nevermore.




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"Tales from the 44A"

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Peace, Love & Poetry


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