Friday 23 August 2024

Out in force


Helicopters out in force,

thunderous noise like a stick blender

dicing the sky into blitzed liquid light

and murky skyscapes. Frothy starshakes.

Quite the sight but we are too busy

running for our lives.

Fire-like light

blotting out the stars, burning my eyes.

In days gone by I'd have put this down

to joyriders racing the streets.

There would have been cars

complete with burnt out dreams

in fire damaged passenger seats.


But now the helicopters only come for us.

Kicking up dust when they get too low.

Armed forces point their guns

from the windows.

"Stop or we will shoot"

Told to follow orders or put in a boot.

Orders now are to keep us from speaking out

about the misguided missiles

being sent to murder innocent youth.


A war zone, but we are not to look.

Focus only on what is happening here.

We will keep you in line. Quivering in fear.

Enough to keep you from looking whilst

crimes are being committed over there.

Their crimes uncompiled,

news has changed to new cycles.

If no one witnesses the war crime,

did it happen? They chime.

Just keep people marching in line.

Don't question anything. It will be just fine.


Gunfire sounds every time silence starts to settle.

No peace, just burning hot metal.

Metal that we sell, weapons that we sell.

Is it murder if it is our clientele?

Peace doesn't sell.

Peace wont shell a school.

Peace wont gun down

innocent people waving white flags.

Peace wont murder people in their underwear

and blame them for the waste of ammo.

Peace won't rape and justify it

by calling them animals.

Peace would just be playing in the streets.

Peace would be learning to share in the beauty.

Peace wouldn’t be looking

for difference,

peace wouldn't be looking

for ways to distance.

But sadly

weapons are

worth more than lives.

No-one worries anymore

about mindless killing

or threats of war,

not when it keeps the tills ringing.




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"Tales from the 44A"

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Peace, Love & Poetry

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