Sunday 18 August 2024



We all stand in line,

waiting for movement.

Advancing a few feet.

See the dancing

in the distant heat.

Dan sings to keep the flow

following the same beat.

Another few steps,

time competes 

with boredom.

Life feels incomplete.

Will the end of the line

leave all answers dealt?


The landscape crawls past

like it's gasping for air,

attention it craves,

but the line doesn't care.

Only focused on moving

a few steps forward.

Rude people push in front of you.

People with money

skip way ahead 

in the queue.

You end up further

back than where you started,

just trying to view

the goal ahead of you.


Mental fatigue, 

falls over

like sea mist,

before you know it 

the view is clouded.


Left alone,

consumed by advancement.

You've forgotten

where it is you belong.

But you amble along

waiting for the view to clear.

Finding yourself a few feet

further than before.

Advancement. For sure,

but what for?

Where does it lead?



Off that well beaten track

there is a world

of love and hope.

Some people step 

under the guide ropes,

away from the queue.

Seeking a bigger truth.

To see the beauty in the scenery.

It isn’t gasping, but clasping

trying to show you

what is real in this world of fiction.

The path forward is not

just a blindly followed straight line,

herding with a crowd.

We are not bound 

by the ties that try to bind

in the march for all time.

There is a whole world,

sat just outside 

the sidelines.




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You can find my New book
"Tales from the 44A"

Please buy a copy to help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry


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