Saturday 17 August 2024

Paradise with moonlight guide


You show me paradise

when my view of reality

begins to thin.

At the corners of the ordinary,

along the edges of the divine,

you show me your brown eyes.

So many sunsets like gold mines

contained within.

Every blended colour pulsating

whilst this world slowly spins.


You show me

snippets of words.

Word riverways into which I'd dive,

to swim by your side

in this perfect world that you abide.

You show me reasons to smile,

you show me acres and miles

of luxury, satin sheet sunsets

through which I'd glide,

on the wings of golden birds.

You show me

your smile

and I feel so alive.


You share with me

your insight

and I dream.

You share starlight

and I see the

universe between

the blinking cosmic light.

You feed my days,

so that my night is replete.

I stare into twilight

and dream

of your moonlight

keeping me company

for the rest of my life.




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Peace, Love & Poetry


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