Tuesday 20 August 2024



The sky fell.


Metallic clouds,

rumble like thunder

but twice as loud.

Sun covered,

sadows ooze around.

On hallowed ground

prayers were

starting to sound.


Day became night

in a blink. Hearts started to sink.

Lightning crashed down

and rains drowned our eyes,

as we gazed, open mouthed

at the shapes in the sky.

The shape had its

own weather system,

so large it loomed.

Over extraterrestrial tannoy

a voice boomed.


"We have been watching you,

and you have been selected..."

A murmur in the crowd,

excitement, praise expected.

"...for extinction, your racist views

make you a threat, so with regret

we have to pull the plug

on your life support.

and disconnect."


The crowd bellowed and roared.

Blamed each other for our downfall.

blamed anyone they deemed different, 

still not realising they are to blame.

The world erupted into flame,

but not before the animals

had been removed

to giant space arks.

Even the alien beings

couldn't resist the purrs

and the barks.




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"Tales from the 44A"

Please buy a copy to help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry

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