Saturday 10 August 2024

Failed connection


It can be a struggle

when your head can't connect.

The Wi-Fi is down

and the computer is dead.

It's a struggle when

you lay awake in your bed,

no sleep clouded dreams

to smooth out the dread.

It's a struggle when your mind DJ

only spins white noise sounds.

Scratched out muffled refrains play

through the itchy word static

sloshing around.


I’m just a flood of words aching

to be screamed. a nightmare

wishing to be a dream.

Emotions within;

Wilted, withering weeds.

A vocal line that no one

on earth can ever sing.

A chorus echoing

discordant rhymes

Stringing together lines

puked out of time.

Putting thoughts down

when they don't quite chime

with the tolling bells

that ring through your mind.


It can be a trial,

it may sound trivial,

but the page is primal. It is therapy.

So, when the words don’t flower

how do I quieten the rush?

I'm left mentally depleted;

A flowerless, thorny rose bush.

I can't satisfy the hurt within,

without giving it something to eat,

and at the moment

the only source of food

I have available for him 

is me.


I can't find the parts where happiness fits,

just this darkening pit, deep, worthless, 

I sit in it,

waiting for release.

Prison cell dreams,

etching my sentence on bare stone walls.

Sprawling in blood when my pen falls,

But when you glance at the brick page,

A mere drip is all that's gleamed.

Crawling in mud to find the lost emotion,

Whilst being driven mad

by the train of thought's draining commotion.


It can be a struggle,

when your brain won’t connect.

When all doors

lead to a room labelled self-neglect.

Sometimes you have to take a moment

and breathe, respect the universe,

It's giving you what you need.

Just take your time,

there is no rush to succeed.



Thanks for reading
Follow this link for more.

You can find my New book
"Tales from the 44A"

Please buy a copy to help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry



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