Thursday 29 August 2024

Time bank


Time is valuable

we say as we watch

it all fritter away, just numbers

flowing on a screen.

Another man-made fantasy.

A dream within a dream

of a nightmare with vicious teeth.

Time is money, oh great,

so, it is just another man made

device to enslave?


If time is so precious

why do we give so much?

8 hours a day 5 days a week,

and that's without travel, lunch

or being pressured into overtime.

We have targets to meet

they always bleat,

but instead of hiring extra hands,

they work you till your dead

on your feet.


Then when work

has been left for the day,

What remains is all ours,

they say…

But is it really?

We have so many duties,

that take up our own time.

People chip away at our time reserves

until you end up owing them

an hour or two in return.

As your time bank

sits miserably in the red

and the debt

has you stumbling around

like one of the walking dead.


We are too tired

to even exist.

So, we watch it sift

like flour through a sieve.

Or is that an hourglass

counting down the sands of time

we have left to live?

Blindly watching the programming,

trying to make you give more.

Those hands are ticking closer now

What more can we give?

Honestly, I'm no longer sure.



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"Tales from the 44A"

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Peace, Love & Poetry

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