Wednesday 14 August 2024

Time turns differently


Time turns differently here...

Sometimes people flow around

like rippling waves of majestic sound.

Other times they slow right down.

Freeze frame,

slow motion, they creak, 

step by step,

as we see the sweat start

to bubble to the surface, great lakes

leaking out from hidden pores.

Then it starts it's eternal advance

down faces,

that are seemingly

going places

but never getting anywhere fast

at least nowhere near there.


Time is different here

Sometimes it turns backwards.

We see the ending screen flicker

before the credits at the beginning,

the ambience dimming

as the flittering lighting wanes.

Warning that a shift is coming.

Then it's in fast forward,

scenes skipping,

like a horror movie creature

creepily climbing out of the deep.


Time is different here.

Sounds come in angular motion

To amplify the liquid flow

of the view that slowly magnifies,

lost emotion.

It ambles by,

looking in to our hearts,

waving, before leaving

with a sigh.


When that last day came,

I thought I knew everything,

but life is so different,

when death is your domain.

Time is different here,

where us ghosts walk on velvet air.

Sound plays warped games with your ears,

moments can be days or years.

Not a lot makes any sense, I fear.

But not a lot

can scare you here.

I say not a lot...

But that great fucking beast

over their

makes my skin prickle

when his eyes do leer.




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"Tales from the 44A"

Please buy a copy to help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry


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