Friday, 7 March 2025

Darkness pours


When darkness

eviscerates the view

and thick, cloying clouds

descend upon you.

When you feel alone

in a crowded room,

and the

pathways are

no longer straight,

all converging

on an unknown gateway

to an uncertain fate.

The signposts can lie to you,

even light can't break through

the gloom, as you are led

unwittingly to your waiting tomb.


Still the darkness pours,

sticky and viscous,

not like cloud vapour

or smoke obscuring the stars,

It’s more like tar coating the skin.

Light begins to dim,

until it's like viewing

the word through

a mesh screen.

Even the brightest stars give in

and fall out of the sky

leaving behind more

of the darkness that's still pouring,

pooling the air like a swamp

that would suck you down

if you stepped in.


It can feel like you

are on one side

of a two-way mirror,

events play out before you,

but the glass stops you

from becoming

a part of it too.

Just an observer,

to a world you once knew.

A ghost or phantom

lurking in Shadows

scared of your own

reflection staring back at you


When darkness descends

it can feel like all good

is coming to an end,

like every strand of happiness

just stops with a frayed thread

dangling, just waiting for someone

to pull on it, unravelling the

fabric of the world in your head.


At times like these it can feel

you are being forced

to your knees,

listening to the anxiety

and it's pitiful pleas

falling uncontrollably

from your quivering lips.

You know in our heart

that the clouds will lift,

but knowing

isn't the same as believing,

and right now,

the brain is winning.



Thanks for reading
Follow this link for more.

My latest book, "Journey"
the third part of my "Travels with pen trilogy"
is now available, with all of my other books, 
at Amazon
Please buy a copy if you can
it would really help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry

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