Sunday, 2 March 2025

I never knew love


I never thought love could be

like a walking death, a waking nightmare

of unending despair. Undoing everything

I've ever done. Untying the knot

on my sanity threads.

I never thought it could

weave nasty visions in my head,

make me afraid to sleep in bed,

afraid to leave my room, afraid to breathe.

In dread of things she said,

knocking me down

to become just a pen,

ink leaking upon the page.


I never thought love

could be eternal agony.

I always dreamed in colour,

like a rainbow symphony

playing through my head,

but that sound became a funeral dirge

as my vision was left just grey and faded.

It was supposed to be summer everyday.

That's what you would say,

that the destination was worth the hardship,

but capsized thoughts

remember days your mast slipped.


I never thought love 

could leave me

questioning who I was,

like an outsider

watching myself from above,

wondering why he doesn’t run.

Why not leave?

You’re struggling to breathe,

get some air before you

fall to your knees.


I never knew love,

not with you.

I've seen through

the other side

of the

shattered mirror now,

I realise I'm who I need to be.

I know the love that lives inside me

isn't diseased, it's just fragile

from being force-fed

meals laced with tears.

That poison can't knock me out,

not now, I've become immune.

The forest of doubt

you planted within me,

I've cut it down,

and now I can truly see.



Thanks for reading
Follow this link for more.

My latest book, "Journey"
the third part of my "Travels with pen trilogy"
is now available, with all of my other books, 
at Amazon
Please buy a copy if you can
it would really help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry

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