You could say
that the light touch
of poetry saved me,
from the darkest place
to finally feeling
I could survive.
The words inside
saved my life,
at a time I wasn't sure
it was worth saving.
It gave meaning
to the questions
that kept repeating.
I started to feel again,
see the beauty in little things,
witness the magnificence
that the world
hides in the wings.
I always felt I was
an outsider,
like I was from Mars
and the rest of the world
were ignoring the stars.
I was alien to people,
I'd blank out my emotions
behind black out curtains
of the mind. I'd feel nothing for
months at a time. Just confined,
in my own shell.
My own private hell,
where the demons
all looked like me.
I watched day
transform into
so many times
that I became attuned
to the whispered howls
of the moon.
Barely moving an inch,
I'd sink into the well of my soul,
only to find it empty.
Nothing was filling my bucket,
I was out of luck and it
was starting to rain as well.
I don't know when
I first heard the words.
My words
formed into a brittle yell,
like a mystical spell.
I was yanked away
from darkness’ grasp
To be shown the world
with my eyes
unclasped. And I gasped
at the beauty I witnessed all around me.
It moved my pen freely, showing me
that if I take it in hand
I'll be able to see more clearly.
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Peace, Love & Poetry
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