Thursday, 6 March 2025

The miracle of rebirth


The miracle

of rebirth, a chance

to glide the skies,

like a leaf rides

the airwaves,

and gravity falls

in love with the earth,

saving the heart from pain.

The miracle of rebirth

lives in the way

a droplet of rain

can one day

become a stream.

Our storylines

can sometimes

become a dream,

if we open our minds

to the love that

sits between.


The power

of a dream

can cause

shooting stars

to appear,

like tears falling

from a long-forgotten memory.

An aging tree

looking back

upon its history,


it was always just stood

rooted in place,

missing the one thing

that could make it great,

a little loving company.


The magic of rebirth

sits inside,

it holds you tight

as you fight through

the worries of life.

It watches quietly

as you start to fly.

No longer slouching,

to merge into the ground,

but standing proud,

letting your voice

be heard loud.


The embrace of a dream,

can seem strange to those,

whose dreams are filled

with vicious beings, but if you swoop

into the lands of vision,

and see the wonders beyond,

you no longer fear

the sleep demons.

Instead, you follow

the voice in your ears.

The words so delicate

you can barely hear,

spoken by

the one that visits

your dreams every night,

and you see that she

is the one who sets your heart alight.



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My latest book, "Journey"
the third part of my "Travels with pen trilogy"
is now available, with all of my other books, 
at Amazon
Please buy a copy if you can
it would really help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry

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