Monday, 3 March 2025

New book smell


A new book smells of hope,

all the tales it could evoke,

the emotions they may provoke.

It sings of lands

where the sun swings

through the air

in a playful dance

and the moon that joins in

to put on a majestic performance.

A delicate scent of fallen leaves

brings you to your knees

when the pages open in the breeze.


A new book

holds its promise

in bound covers.

It could bring memories

of that summer

where your heart

soared through the sky,

or the winter

that tears wouldn't stop

falling from tired eyes.

It holds secrets inside.

Messages told to unknowing lovers,

that hide themselves

through inconspicuous lines,

to be found

by only the right pair

of eyes.


A new book speaks in tones

that reach inside your skin

and sink into your bones,

nourishing them.

Sharing stories

that give your heart

a home from home.

The words are the building blocks

of a whole new world,

just for you to connect

and build

however you want

the lands to unfurl.


A new book smells

of cinnamon and marzipan,

chocolate dusting

on a sweetened roll

filled with

strawberry jam.

It can spark memories

that haven't been stirred

in half a lifetime.

It can hurt from time to time,

but the words will rebuild the walls

before you reach the final line.



Thanks for reading
Follow this link for more.

My latest book, "Journey"
the third part of my "Travels with pen trilogy"
is now available, with all of my other books, 
at Amazon
Please buy a copy if you can
it would really help me
continue to do this.

Peace, Love & Poetry

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