Is there anybody out there?
I whisper into the night-time air.
The stars glisten,
but do they listen
to the words I say,
or do they only hear
the spaces in-between,
where our true feelings lay.
Is there anybody out there?
We sure could use your help,
a guiding hand,
to help us learn
how to stand
tall and proud,
without pulling
anybody else down.
Is there anybody out there?
Did you hear my voice
when I asked for
a shooting star to sing?
I missed the part
where I was going
to wish upon it
to share my heart
with the dreams of love
that fall apart
when I rise
and wipe the sleep
from my eyes.
Is there anybody out there?
It's lonely
when you spend eternity
longing, yearning.
like a star burning,
it sucks the oxygen from me,
strips the life and let's it fly free,
leaving me little more
than an animated being.
A heart with too much feeling
but nothing to help me keep breathing.
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Peace, Love & Poetry
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