Sunday 9 June 2024



But it's not very British, is it?

Not like beans on toast

or a cup of tea.

Now don't get me wrong,

I like everyone...

But it's not very British, is it?

Not like a Sunday roast

Not like chocolate

or church on Sunday.

It isn't like fish and chips.

Bastardise OUR language.

Immigrants ignorant

to our culture.


Maybe you need

to look in the mirror

None of this is British,

except the immigrants

ignorant of culture.

when we take our so-called British things

overseas and take over coastal towns.

Mini England devours other lands.

Seemingly never forget our colonial past.

The blood on our hands.


But it's not very British, is it?

They clog the system,

draining our NHS.

Take all of our jobs,

benefit scrounging slobs.

No go zones, depleting our ozone.

Taking all the new homes.

I'm not racist, but it's not very British.

Some of my best friends are...


Our foundations are immigration,

this nation of which you are so proud,

built on grounds soaked in blood,

stolen goods,

slavery and war.

But it's not very British is it anymore.

Thank fuck for that.


These lands have always been diseased,

white men who think we own the seas,

we are the disease.

The parasite that feeds.

Anything different,

an affront on our identity.

Different colour, must be inferior.

Difference makes you somehow lesser.

We force to their knees,

be like us or we take what’s yours

and do as we please.

This is the English disease

and we need a doctor

but our health service

has been depleted,

now the staff

have been turned away.




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