Saturday 22 June 2024



One for sorrow.

The sad song of a lonely boy


Two for joy.

All he craved,

danced through his world.


Three, for a girl

in a ploy to annoy

stole his heart.

Used it, then discarded like a broken toy


Four for a boy.

A present he gave to lift her, wings

to soar through the lining of clouds

Just a sliver of his love he wanted to give her.

she destroyed his hope like a vicious killer.


Five, for silver

was only second place,

she wanted the stars.

Truth be told her heart was made of ice so cold.

He could only supply broken damaged hearts,

and wings, weathered and old.


Six, for gold

was all she ever desired

A pile so high it would touch the sky.

A mountain that glimmers

As bright as the sun,

But the magpies drawn by shiny light,

took every crumb of gold in sight


Seven for a secret never to be told.

In sorrow a boy seeked life

in joy, the boy thought he'd found his future wife

A girl sunk deep into her pit of misery,

The boy flew higher than anyone in history

The silver moonlight showed him the way.

Whilst gold weighed down on the girl

And a secret untold lived on the magpies wings




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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