Wednesday 19 June 2024

Glimmers in the shimmering air


This prayer of mine

bathes in moon light

across so many dreams

mysterious and divine.

She has swum through

the heavenly currents

of my mind

but in this blue inked reality

I'm on my knees,

eyes burnt blind

for this beauty is too much

for mere mortals to see.

She scintillates the rippling view

laying before me.


My angel

of nighttime flights,

delights my eyes,

Ignites my mind,

sets my hand twitching

to write of her. Glorious and sublime.

Her wings span worlds.

Her heart spins words.

She casts no shadows,

reflections never show

her unique angelic glow.

But I know she is flying through.

The turbulent airwaves tell me so.

She travels the stars,

across mind galaxies

to meet me beside the waters

of wide-open dream seas


In the waterfalls

of moon light gleam

she swirls. This sweet dream.

Dancing light droplets

take flight

as they touch her skin,

like magnets drawn in

then pushed out again.

Sprinkling the air,

sparkles and light flares,

Dripping glimmers in the shimmering air

Iridescence scares away any nightmare.

Incandescent, my mind as it fires

A light show of which one can never tire.

No one would believe

How hard it is to breathe

As you stop,

to take in every spin,

Dazzled by

Every twirling scattered rainbow

during this indigo night,

when this beauty is in your scene.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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