Wednesday 19 June 2024

Worker bees


Our lives, our purpose

it seems...worthless,

just to become worker bees.

To provide for the

slave drivers

of the rich hive mind,

only out to steal your time.

Wage deniers,

keep you tied to their conveyors,

whilst they sit in luxury.

I'm flummoxed by this insanity,

where we drive ourselves mad

to provide for someone

who already has more money than

some countries ever had.


Keep going

birth until death.

Taking a breath,

wages have been docked for less.


they will just call you lazy,

relieve you of your duties entirely.

Scrapheap seat,

the place you will sit,

whilst they bask in golden thrones.

We will just wallow in the shit.


Let me starve.

Let me freeze,

it’s better than this life

of a worker bee.

I'll bleed.

I'll lie on your icy slab

in frozen mortuary,

let you bury me

in a paupers cemetery,

because what I live with daily

isn't a lie, it isn't some choice I made.

I didn't wake up one day and say

fuck it I fancy some mental illness today.

It isn’t a choice, you see.

I don't expect silver spoon Tories

to understand,

too busy trying to ruin our land

in any way they can.

And we never had sky tv either.


You call our illnesses lies.

Fraudulent sicknotes

to pay for our

supposed luxury lives.

Tell us that

when there are mass suicides,

when people are destitute

and homeless just waiting

for the next downward slide.




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