Thursday 6 June 2024

Midnight picnic


Meet me under that solemn tree,

weeping down its branches over me.

Under the light from high above,

the light of the moon shining her love.

Meet me where the darkness casts

shadows that will make you gasp,

in fear, in fright, afraid of the night,

and I will show you it’s just a trick of the light.


Meet me where the forest begins.

Where your feet fear to tread within.

Under a sky of leaves blanketing the view,

lay down your blanket under light of the moon,

and we can share a midnight picnic, some food,

and talk until two, listening to the solitude.

Come walk the path, I'll walk with you.

Fear not the darkness that surrounds

or the sounds that screech all around.

I'll show you they are just the animals at play,

the monsters don't lurk in these places,

they stay far away.


Meet me at the dark end of the street

where the streetlights flicker

like a lightshow heartbeat.

Let me show that it's not so grim,

there is a world of wonder if we look within.

Let us walk, letting our voices merge

in a mysterious dance, as we smile

and hold hands. Let our words mingle,

as we feel them land, tingling in our mouths,

wanting to leap out, to give space

for our kisses to spread out.


Meet me where

moonlight becomes sunrise,

I want to see 

the light kiss your eyes,

see the life

flow through Irises

dazzling my view

at the end of the night,

I want those galaxies

to open up for me and you.

So we can have

whole new worlds

to walk on through.





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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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