Friday 7 June 2024

This little Eden


Lonely in the wilds of

my own obscurity,

this wasteland

of lasting longing and

long forgotten dreams.

In those dreams,

she walks with me,

but sleep avoids eyes

that itch with dried up tears.

This wilderness of forever.

Endless years, eternity feeling unworthy,

only dust swept,

rolling over the sands

in this dead land, I wept.


My tears watered

long hidden seeds.

So many sprouting

renourished memories,

not weeds,

but flowering islands

of flourishing fantasy,

in the sea of sand.

Flowers, vibrant and bright

as far

as the eye can see.

A field of colours,

for the one that walks

my dreams with me.


My heart bled

like a stream,

into the soil.

What arose,

from the dirt, misery and hurt

I'd started to cast away from me


a special rose

for the one

that walks my dreams.

A rose that spoke

of hope, love and honesty.


I let my hands shred,

my muscles tear,

my voice wear down

until my words

were barely there,

but each drop of sweat,

every fragment of skin,

every breathe I breath,

created this garden.

This little Eden,

just for me to spend my eve

with the one that

walks my dreams.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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