Wednesday 5 June 2024



Painkiller eases the sting

but doesn't touch

the sinking feeling,

doesn’t lessen

the ache within.

That lost river

of loneliness

which meanders

through this

desolate countryside.


Painkiller dulls

the strain of a torn heart,

but it can't piece together

the fragments,

the ruins left from

earthquakes tearing

your world apart.

It can't repair that

which was broken long

before the pain

could even start.


You pop the pill

for instant gratification

but no amount of sedation

will spare the mind

its own sea of pains,

no amount of medication

can ease the

waves on a choppy heart

that has hit the breakwaters

too many times.


Painkiller stops the feeling

but what of the person

that lives on feelings,

That floats upon emotions

like they were a vast ocean,

are they somehow

lessoned due to the pill?

Does it leave them sat,

just an island abode,

the tides pulling

away from him.

Leaving him alone.





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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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