Monday 3 June 2024

Galactic beat


The sweet songs sung

by sudden soft sunbeams

drowning out

the lonely hearted,

their streams

of tears departing.

Parting the oceans

of whimpered emotions,

that have filled

with those droplets

of hurt held

in bubbled screams.


The ancient call

of moonlight

as it falls

on lonesome nights.

Making their sounds

less wretched,

giving them blessings,

to feel more blessed.

In words whispered,

nothing to fear it said.

Look within 

where love

singles you out instead.


The soft caress

of the breeziest

kiss of wind when it flicks

through your hair,

like fingers brushing away

any remnants of fear.

The way it licks at your face,

lingers in place, delicately tracing

the outline until it is memorised

and memorialised in space.


The soft voice

of the planets,

the chorus of stars.

Every cosmic entity

joining this song

of the heart.

Distance can't

keep them apart,

words devour the space.

Distance just two figures

on a chart,

two figures dancing

to their own galactic beat.





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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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