Friday 21 June 2024

A tear shaped icicle in a frozen lake.


Flipping through

the frosted

photograph album,

in the library of time.

I pour over

the frozen moments.


into greyscale

ice castles

of the mind.

Steam rises from

slowly thawing

shards of time.

Condensation trickles down

the walls it scaled behind.


Brittle icy insights.

I should be delighting

over the contents

of this book palace,

so enlightening,

but the images seen

only make me feel glum.

A lone night. A fear-stained pillow.

A tear shaped icicle in a frozen lake.

All these different fragments, I'm numb.

Brain feels like it is

lost amongst a monumental,

continent sized forest of trees.


glimmering moments of boredom.

A frieze of  discarded memories.

Blurred, camera shaking,

thumb covering lens, obscuring everything


I see on the pages, scenery

with me nowhere to be seen.

Pity parties in my own room,

whilst everyone else has moved on, 

to some fancy club, with gilded golden beams.

I see dreams being lived,

from deep within my nightmare crypt.

I see a man

looking in windows at the world inside,

turn and fade into the inky night

in a single stride


I should have paid fate

the premium,

Then I’d see more than

these aching fields of tedium,

these four wall conundrums,

The puzzled look of someone

lost, out of touch.

Who hasn't moved an inch,

yet still the world somehow feels

it's shifting ever out of his reach.


And on the last page,

I see sunlight,

as the greyscale photographs

become vibrant and bright.

A grimace becomes a grin.

An ache becomes joyous tingles again,

rain becomes soothing,

no longer grey and draining,

and though the page is aging,

inside, the images seem young again.

Refreshed as the colour seeps in.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 

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