Monday 24 June 2024




A chrysalis,

ready to break out.


Will I have wings of doubt?


will they glow?

What if I have two heads

and no toes?

Or a face

with no eyes or nose?

I could become anything.

Just need to keep

sitting here cocooning.


I've been reading books.

No Wi-Fi signal

in this husk,

so, no Facebook

to scroll,

No Tik Tok

hell hole.

No social phobia machines

to make me feel inadequate,

just my own brain

and I'm set.


Is it time yet?

I rap at the membrane,

then relax back down again, no rush,

this room provides lunch.

It's not very spacious,

but it's great

to only hear the hush.

Just quiet, no yearning.


without the constant

grind of gears, 

or churning wheels turning 

the earth

into a motorway to transport tears,


I've become focused,

my mind blessed

with all new words.

I've been exploring

the mountains in my mind..

The soft steady rains

drift peacefully into

the chasms of thought,

filling my brain with new outlooks

and new outcrops to climb.



what will come of this?

I hear a rumble,

as around me the cocoon

begins to crumble,

and I'm reborn.

I look in the mirror,

and I look exactly the same.

Just a wise smile

frames my face,

 where the grimace 

no longer remains.

I know now

that I've always been

in the right place.




Thanks for reading

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and please grab a copy of my Audiobook edition
of "Poetic Outlaw" 

Every click, book purchase, like & share 
really helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love & Poetry 

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