Thursday 13 June 2024

When loneliness walks away from you,




walks away

from you,

leaving to find

someone new.

You begin to miss

its solitude. It's hard to adjust,

this devil may care attitude,

just doesn't fly with us.

We can't keep up,

can't stand the altitude.


When loneliness

attaches itself to

someone else who

will wallow in their

self-imposed misery.

You plead, don't go.

You follow. Swallow

your tears.

Salty memories.

Liquidised fear.


This party

is no place

for you.

Pity still sits in the heart,

but it shares the space

with self-love. So, now your

true story can start.

When fear cohabits with confidence

and self-worth is their roommate,

you start to put to one side

those feelings that once did grate.


When loneliness holds

a mirror in reflective hands,

and shows all new

imbued confidence

you perspire through your glands.

At first, it can feel like someone else

is wearing your skin.

Someone else is taking control

from somewhere lost deep within,

but you are just finding your feet.

Gaining respect for the person underneath,

learning to breath

and becoming the true star

we know you to be.




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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