Thursday 20 June 2024



You just need

fresh eyes sometimes,

to spot the obvious

that somehow

hides from sight.

That's what they say,

but alas, 

I read it all too literally...


Little orbs followed me

around the room. Rolling in glee.

My mass collection,

gathered messily.

If only I knew

what they could foresee

from their glass jar,

they saw doom.

The future awaiting me.


When you miss the signs,

when the lines look right

but should be left

on the cutting room floor,

but the cutting room Is

already occupied with feeling bereft.

Your thoughts just soar.

When you miss

a clear error in the text.

You just need fresh eyes, they say.

Well, this grim jar beside me,

and the screaming coming

from my dripping

basement dungeon say otherwise.

It’s all lies.

They scream. Bleeding eye holes

piercing the night.


You just need to listen

with fresh ears.

It may sound better that way,

less like grinding gears.

The shearing sounds ripping tears

from the screaming eyeless beings,

sings a different tune.

Oiled in blood they screech.

Until that sticky residue

clogs the gears and causes

the machine to break.


You just need

fresh eyes they say,

And now I understand that entirely.

My army of eyeless victims,

ripped and tore away

at my grimacing face.

Shredding, plucking

the sight from

it's resting place.

So now I'm down on my knees

but I can still feel

them pawing at me,

and now I finally understand 




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and please grab a copy of my Audiobook edition
of "Poetic Outlaw" 

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really helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love & Poetry 

there is no future left to see

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