Friday 14 June 2024

Echoed heartbeat


Do you hear

the shrouded echo

of my heart?

It plays

a covert rhythm for you.

Clouded by fear.

A signal like morse code, 

a single sylable,

a symbol in sound,


spoken in raised pulses

into the still air.

A word or two from the heart,

as this stuttered message


and the glass structure

of hurt

is crashed and ripped apart.


It beats its furtive message,

a simple mystery to decipher.

It is not rocket science,

nor a great spy story.

It's just a simple

love story, told in beats,

elemental sounds

that reverberate,

wiping clean the slate world of hate,

and sharing with you

a view of the mystical landscape.


Do you hear it?

If not then listen closer,

soundproof your mind

to all the other clutter,

and then

when you hear that first flutter,

like the elegant wings

of a butterfly, you may

feel them deep within,

just trying to keep rhythm.


Do you hear the sound?

A soft delicate drumming

like snowflakes amplified

as they drift

to a slow steady thudding.

This simplified

message of love,

so tribal, and timeless,

the cavemen heard it,

but us, we drown it out

with constant noise.




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and please grab a copy of my Audiobook edition
of "Poetic Outlaw" 

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really helps me to keep doing what I love.
Peace, Love & Poetry 


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