Thursday 6 June 2024

Into the distance


I often think of walking.

Just walking into the distance,

seeing where these old legs

will take me.

Where these feet

will direct.

Where I'd wander,

I ponder what would be the outcome.

I wonder where I'd end up.

Would I be forgotten like a cold teacup?

Would anyone notice

the stain on life’s table

where I used to be?

Would anyone question where I'd gone?

Or would I just be a faded memory?

Not to stay around for long


I often think of walking

into the sunset,

into the darkness.

Let its shadiest corners embrace.

Feeling the tears and cold sweat

trickle down my face,

like water from a faucet

turned full spray.

I wonder what would

be said in the light of day,

would anyone notice

the face missing today

and the tear shaped pools

that coat the surface of the place


I often think of letting

my feet guide,

I wonder what setting

I'd end up in.

Would it be safe inside.

I wonder

what would

be my destiny?

The destination

of my navigation,

where would that be?

And would anyone notice I'd left?

Would devastation wail on the breeze?

Or would tomorrow be

just another day

with no one noticing me


I often think of floating.

Just to see

where the winds would take me.

Would I be free

of these thoughts that encircle?

Or would they be

like vultures along the road

to hell eternal?

Would I have my notepad?

Would I be describing

every footstep through hell?

Of course I would,

I have stories to tell

and my worth is held

within my own shell




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Peace, Love & Poetry 


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